Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Wonderful Weekend

So Mom and Dad are here this weekend! AHH! It's been so much fun :)

They got here Thursday evening and took Hans and I out to Colonials..which is always so good. Some of the best pizza ever. Then they came to chapel, lunch and New Testament with me yesterday. I wanted to them to hear Dr. Couser, which they liked! Then we went to the outlets where we were quite successful. I found a pair of cute teal Nikes for $15.00. YES.  $15.00. SCORE. Then after the outlets, we went to the Greene and ate at the Cheesecake Factory, which rivals for my favorite restaurant. I got some Oreo cheesecake with some was wonderful, simply wonderful.

Today we're going to Beavercreek for a while, and then they're going home to Elkhart. Mom is singing in church tomorrow and my dad is going to Florida with some men from our church to a conference!

I just love them. 
Basketball game tonight at 4:00! CAN'T WAIT.

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