Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Cleanse

So I've given up social media for Lent! This is not something I really want to do, but know I should. I really should have decided to do this a long time ago, but kept making excuses not to. To be completely honest, spending time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest is a big struggle for me. I'm on them on my phone and my computer. I check them constantly, just waiting for people to favorite my tweet or like a picture that I post. I look for affirmation in these things, when I should be looking and finding that in my Lord. "Now Ali...that sounds a little extreme. Those things aren't bad!" Yes, I know they aren't bad, but for me, they were becoming that way! I'm finding that I'm too involved with things on campus to be spending too much time being distracted. I'm on two intramural teams, on Dylan and Grace's campaign team, the HYPE committee, in KZP and doing school. I need to be spending more time in the Word and in prayer. My priorities just really aren't where they need to be. Plus, I think that fasting from these things will help me be more efficient with my work, get to bed earlier, and also help in some other areas that I need to work on. I'm actually pretty excited to see how God uses this in my life! I guess it's kinda like a spiritual cleanse, and the Lord knows I need it!

On a different note, time is just flying by! I'm going home in a week from tomorrow to pack for FLORIDA, which is in 15 days! I just cannot wait. I'm not really one to complain about the winter season lasting so long, I actually like to a certain extent. However, I'm really itching for spring/summer. I can't wait to wear flip flops and no jackets, and to be able to walk around without my eyes watering from the cold wind or having to wear tons of layers.

I'm so glad that God has different seasons though. Each one has its purpose, and He has made them all for a reason. Kinda like the seasons we experience in life!

Hope everyone had a lovely Valentine's Day! I know I did :)

Take heart and stand firm.

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