Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Teacher or Student?

Hello, friends!

It's time for another post. One of the most interesting, yet best, things about student teaching is how much I'm LEARNING. My professors at Cedarville have always told us that teachers never stop learning, and that we should have teachable attitudes and spirits. MAN, am I realizing what they are talking about!

I have a group of students who are very different and have a few challenging needs. However, they LOVE coming to school, they LOVE learning, and they treat each other very well. I would take this group over a smart, yet unloving and disrespectful group any day! Even though it's frustrating at times, I am learning a lot about differentiation, accommodating my students, being an expert observer of my kiddos, and a lot about PATIENCE. I have learned that I will never have the perfect class. There will always be students who struggle to keep up. The important thing? Taking them from where they WERE, and getting them as far as they can go during my time with them. I am thankful for this challenge! And I am also thankful for the great group of teachers who are surrounding me and so willing to help me and answer my "rookie" questions. ;)

Want to know another exciting thing? I have a phone interview on Friday, and will be talking to another school about setting up an interview soon! 2 interviews already? How cool is my God?? How gracious is He?? I'm not going to say where they are or with which schools (just in case they don't work out;)) Those will be coming up soon!

Aside from teaching, I'm learning a lot about the different facets of my Savior, and how those apply to my weird phase that I'm in right now. I'm in a constant back-and-forth dialogue with myself about being okay with not knowing what my future holds, and being completely freaked out about not knowing. Growing up is such a strange thing! I want my desires to be what His are. I don't want to force anything, but I also realize that God gives us desires for a reason.

If you have any wise words for anything I've talked about, please comment or message me sometime! I love listening to people who have walked this road before me. I definitely know that I'm young and don't know everything. I want to be a sponge that is....teachable. ;)

Until next time!

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