Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Hello, Kindergarten!

Yes! It's true! I DO have a job. It was quite the experience, too. So here's how it happened...

 Back in February, I had a phone interview with a school in Indianapolis, but it turned out to be a direction that I really wasn't looking to go. Then in March, I had an offer from a school in Columbus, OH, which I decided I didn't want. I don't know anyone in Columbus that I'm close to, and my desire has been to come back to Indiana.

A little over a month ago, I had no leads on jobs. My last post was around this time, too. I was really struggling! Teaching has never been something that I just chose because I didn't know what else to do. It's my PASSION. I love it with all my heart. So the thought of not having a job all lined up was tough for me, though it's so common not to have a job right out of college. My pride was hurt. The weight of uncertainty was crushing me. On the outside, I tried to smile and handle it well, but on the inside I was afraid.

So during this period of time, I was sitting on my bed one day, about to pour out my heart to Jesus on paper. I wrote my first sentence about the state of my heart, and kinda started to cry. In the middle of my next sentence, the phone rang. "I'm crying and don't feel like talking," I thought to myself (dramatic, much?). I didn't answer and let it go to messages. Then I hear on the phone,

"Hi, Alison. This is "so-and-so" from Middlebury Community Schools, and we'd like to have you come in for an interview on Friday. Give us a call back to set up a time..."

Well, that was a fast answer to my tear-filled prayer, wasn't it!? I couldn't believe it. ONCE AGAIN, the Lord graciously came through in HIS timing. My heart was overwhelmed with thankfulness. I called the school back and set up a time. I sat back down on my bed and thought, "What if I wouldn't have gotten that call? Would my heart still be thankful and trust Him?" Trusting God in the midst of uncertainty has been a theme in my life this summer. He has grown me, but I still have a LONG way to go.

My interview was on Friday, June 12th at 9:45 am. It went well. The people who conducted my interview were very welcoming and made me feel very comfortable. They all seemed to get along well together, which appealed to me. Every teacher wants to be apart of a system and staff in which they feel cared for, welcomed, and supported. I left feeling pretty good about everything, and was told I would hear sometime that next week from them. Well, that same night, I got a call with an offer for a kindergarten position at Orchard View Elementary in Middlebury, IN. It's about 20-25 minutes away from my house.

Long story short, I accepted that position and CAN'T WAIT! I get to meet my kiddos and their parents on August 6th for a kindergarten walk-through/open house, so the students and parents can see the school and meet me. Then school starts on AUGUST 12th! My, my, that's coming quickly!

I just want to thank everyone who prayed for me and checked in with me during this whole process. I have experienced the body of Christ and His love like none other. The Lord has heard your prayers! :) Along with that, I would like to thank my first grade teacher, Sherry Bickel, for helping me connect with the school. You're the best and I can't wait to teach with you!

ALSO, I just want to say that even if I still didn't have a job at this point, or never got one this year, the Lord would STILL be good. I firmly believe that in my heart. His ways are mysterious, yet perfect. They are hard to see sometimes, but He's sovereign. The older I get, the more evident these truths are. It seriously just makes me love Him more. He is a sweet, sweet Savior!


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