Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Word for the Weary

I just started a new Bible study. I lead a study with teenage girls in my youth group at church, and have been on a hunt for the right study for the past couple months. Through a series of people and events, I came across the book Looking for Lovely by Annie Downs. So far, I have REALLY enjoyed it. As the study has started off, she has talked a lot about trials and how life is not easy. Annie talks about finding peace in the midst of rocky situations and chaotic trials. "Perseverance develops character, and character produces hope..." (Romans 5:4).

I'm currently up in Spring Lake, Michigan spending the weekend with my mom's side of family. We are up here in honor of my cousin, Tyler, who is being deployed in June to serve our country for 9 months. It has been so much fun to see everyone, exchange hilarious stories, play games, catch up on what's been going on in each other's lives, and be entertained by my two nieces, Millie and Nora. In the midst of the busy weekend, I found a little pocket of time for myself to go on a run. It was a CHILLY, yet beautiful, run. I felt the sun on my face. I saw the vibrant colors of the flowers. I heard the birds chirping and the sound of the wind in the trees. When you're out in the world that God made, it's awesome how the things and worries of life just kinda...go away. All the assessments that I still have to do with my kiddos can wait. All of the things that make my heart heavy seem to be lifted. I started praying. I started thinking. Do you know where my mind went to?


This is interesting, because, although I am informed and I really actually do care, I don't share my opinions often and I don't talk about it too much. I don't talk about it much because it gets people so worked up sometimes, and maybe partially because it makes me sad. But, I mean, it's everywhere! Even my kindergarteners brought it up the other day! One of my kiddos asked, "Miss Bigler? Why does *insert one of the candidates' names here* lie?"  I keep thinking about all the changes that are being made, and about the election coming up. To be honest, I'm not happy about it. I'm concerned about the direction that our country is heading. I worry about what the world is going to be like when Millie and Nora (my two little nieces) grow up. I worry about what things will be like when, Lord-willing, I'm a wife and mommy someday. I worry about the legislation that is going to be affecting the education world in the future. I worry about the economy. I worry about the potential persecution of Christians and our values. All of a sudden three things occurred to me:

1. I used the word "worry" an awful lot in those thoughts.
2. I used the word "I" and awful lots in those thoughts, as well.
3. My hope feels like it's getting..lost.

As I'm running in the sunlight and taking in the beauty of creation, my heart is convicted. "Alison, weren't you JUST thanking Jesus for all the beauty you're seeing?! How did your mind so quickly go from that to this?!" All the times that Jesus promises that HE will win start flooding my mind. My heart feels guilty about getting worried and subconsciously getting sucked into putting my hope in a person instead of Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). The words of Jesus that He spoke to His disciples before He was killed on the cross washed over my heart (John 16:33)--

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I realized that this verse applies to so much more than politics. Brothers and sisters, our hope is not in a president, spouse, friend, parent, child, job, number on the scale, retirement, status, etc. It is solely found in the person and strength of Jesus Christ. If we look for it in anything else besides Him, we will be sorely disappointed. We will be unsatisfied. Oh, we may be temporarily filled or distracted, but nothing else lasts. We were made for Him--to serve, love, glorify, and have a REAL relationship with Him. I'm talking about a relationship that's more than just praying every now and then and going to church sometimes. I'm talking about a relationship in which we make Him our LORD & SAVIOR, and live in obedience to Him, reading His Word and seeking His face. Satan would love nothing more than to get Christ-followers to the point where all hope seems lost and we give up. Paul tells us not to "grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9-10). Why do Jesus and Paul tell us not to lose heart and grow weary? Because they knew and understood that life is HARD! Even for the Christian. Jesus was lowly in earthly status, betrayed, spit on, beaten, publicly attacked, accused, and crucified. Paul had an ugly past before giving his life to Christ, was shipwrecked, beaten, imprisoned, bitten by a snake, and dealt with some sinful situations in different churches. Call me crazy, but none of those things sound very easy or cushy to me. They got it. Things weren't perfect for them. Things aren't perfect for us. Jesus told us this would happen. We are told that things are going to start getting hard as time goes on.

My thoughts continued. I don't think that Jesus calls us to dwell on being angry, worried, bitter, or disheartened by any of the things in our lives that are tough. Now, I'm not saying that it's wrong to feel those things or be concerned. We can't help the thoughts that come into our heads or the feelings that are in our hearts. However, I do believe that the Bible teaches us to TRUST Him. I believe that He calls us to be steadfast and joyful in the midst of our circumstances. After all, do you really think that people are going to be attracted to people who are complaining, being negative, and worrying all the time? I don't. I think people are attracted to those who are peaceful, confident, and joyful. Those who can be vulnerable and honest about where they're at, but who can also say, "My hope is in the King. Therefore, I will not be shaken." The Lord calls us to honor and glorify Him in all our decisions and how we react.

He's WITH us.
He's FOR us.
He is a promise-keeper.

And no matter what happens on this side of eternity, He WINS. He's victorious. He's conquered it all.
Fear doesn't have to have a grip on us. Insecurity doesn't have to paralyze us. Give it to Him.

So today, I'm thanking Jesus for the lovely things: His creation, my family's laughter, my nieces smiling, the ability to run and be active, the coming of summer, salvation, His character, an awesome weekend at the lake, and for His PEACE. His peace.

Life is lovely, we just need to look for it, and trust the One who created it.

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