Saturday, March 10, 2012

Hoy es el Dia

Well, I woke up early today because I have to work on a persuasive speech I have to give on...MONDAY. The day after I get back from Florida. Oh, and not to mention that Monday is my birthday! Happy Birthday to me, eh? Also, when I woke up, I opened my shades to see cloudiness. I am so sad! No sun on my last day. Maybe God had it be cloudy so I would be forced to work on my speech...fine. Oh well, He knows what I need.

I am very sad to be leaving Florida. I'm sad to be leaving my mom and dad. They are so wonderful and know me so well. I am so blessed to have my parents who speak truth into my life. On top of wonderful parents, I have amazing brothers. I got to talk to Nick the other night on the phone. He gave me such good advice and was so encouraging. I miss Brett, Nick, and Brinnan a lot. They live in Indianapolis/Carmel and I rarely get to see them. I think I'm going to go see them next weekend though! Maybe I'll be able to spend a night with Lexi at IWU as well! I think that would be SO much fun!

I miss my friends from home a lot. I did get to skype Em and text Lexi for a while's just not the same (obviously). I can't wait for the summer when I can hang out with them all the time! It's going to be an interesting summer, though...

For the first time in a long time, almost all of my friends and I don't have boyfriends. It's been really hard for all of us at one time or another, but I really think that this summer could be SO fun. What a good time to encourage each other and to learn to be content exactly where the Lord has us. I'm dreading it...but looking forward to it, too!

I need to go work on my speech... blah.

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