Well, it has definitely been a ridiculously long time since I last wrote! My life seems to be the busiest it's ever been. My life has been all about finding balance--with my relationship with the Lord, my units in Printy, my schoolwork, my friends, my alone time, my friends from home, H.Y.P.E. committee, KZP, intramural volleyball and my involvement in Apex. YEAH. It's a lot.
However, juggling all of this is teaching me to depend on the Lord in a whole new way. A way that I never knew I needed. A way that constantly humbles me and reminds me how unworthy and inadequate I am without Him. It still blows my mind that God uses someone like me.
Another thing that blows my mind is the friends that God has blessed me with. The second weekend here Emily and Lexi came and surprised me.
Plus, I've been getting to spend a lot of time with Hannah, Karlee, and Laura, plus all my other girlfriends. That has been one of my favorite things about this year. I am so grateful to have women of God who encourage me spiritually, but that I also have a stinkin' fun time with.
PLUS, I've gotten to hang out with my group of guy friends, too! Love these guys and my group of friends to pieces. I also love going to Bill's with them :)
Oh, and didI mention that I have loved getting to know my GIRLS?! While I'm still learning what it means to be a good RA, I've enjoyed what God has been teaching me through these lovely ladies. So excited to continue getting to know them better and to see what God has in store!
Alrighty. I need to go to sleep. I am SO excited because Mom and Dad get here on Thursday! Ugh. I have missed my family a lot. I miss Millie Jane and my siblings. Having a close knit family is one of the best things in the whole world, but it makes being away from them really hard. But I'd rather have it this way than not being close with them :)
Be strong and courageous in the Lord. Take heart, for He has OVERCOME the world.