Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day to the best dad I could ever have asked for. So blessed by this godly man! 

My dad has played so many different roles in my life:

1. Teacher: how to ride a bike, swing a golf club, throw a baseball, play ping pong, check the air pressure in my tires, handle situations properly, be efficient with my time, work hard, mow the lawn, handle money wisely...ETC.

2. Coach: in Upwards basketball in elementary school, and then my basketball coach from 8-12 grade. In all those things, he not only LOVED to win and taught me to be competitive, but also the concept that how I played sports reflected how I lived my life. 

3. Advice giver: with friends, with sports, with school, with my walk with the Lord, and BOYS.

4. Supporter: he was at my Little League soccer games, T ball games, concerts in every grade of school, awards chapels, sports banquets, school and club volleyball games, graduation, to watch me sing in chapel at college, and to watch be cross the finish line at my half marathon. (My mom has also been at all of those events.)

5. Godly Example: he has shown me what a good husband should be, what an amazing father should do, to be a cheerful giver and not to be greedy, to love people and go out of the way to talk to them, to do the right thing even when it's uncomfortable, to take challenges head-on. He has encouraged me to spend good, quality time in the Word and to think truth. 

Jimbo has been my main man my whole life. I hope that when it's time for God to bring the right guy into my life and get married,  he's a lot like my dad. So happy that fathers have a day devoted to honor them. They deserve it!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Just a Quick Update

How is it June 14th already?! My summer is running away from me. I've been so busy between nannying for Easton and Lincoln, working on baby shower stuff with Mom, trying to find CHEAP items to furnish my units in Printy for next year, an online class, hanging out with friends, going to church, and spending time (MUCH NEEDED) in the Word. I say all of this like I don't like it...but I really do like being busy. 

First of all, nannying is going really well. Although the days get a little long and I feel like I'm running out of things to keep the boys occupied, I am so grateful for this job. God totally answered my prayer for a new job and dropped this in my lap. He's so good! Easton is 9 and Lincoln just turned 6 this past Monday. They are so well-behaved and easy to get along with. Easton is very easy-going and a kick-butt older brother. Linc is super outgoing and active, and fun to be around. They love playing outside--Easton on his Rip Stick and Linc on his roller blades or bike. East helps me bake (and is pretty good at it, too) and Linc sings ALLLLLL the time. I've been introduced to Man V. Wild and The Electric Company, both of which we watch......every single day....

This is them, with Lincoln's bunny, Pepsi. 

AHHHH! Amelia's due date is only 38 days away! Oh, how I cannot wait to hold my sweet niece in my arms. Brinnie is doing pretty well still, but her back has really been hurting her these past few weeks. She's so cute and big! 

I'm so excited to meet Millie and for Brett & Brinnie to be parents. They're going to be so great! I love watching Brett mature and become the head of their home. I'm very proud and blessed to call him my big brother.

This summer I have been constantly reminded of my need to spend time in the Word DAILY. I am just so inadequate of living this life apart from my Lord. How do I keep making excuses? WHY, is the better question. 

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for never giving up on me. I'm so full of pride and I'm self-reliant. You are so constant and patient. My mind cannot understand. I tire so easily of people that disappoint me or that I don't see with loving eyes. You see with the most loving eyes in the whole wide world. Please help me to rely on You with every single thing I face...not just the "big" stuff. Please help me and give me strength to be faithful in the little things. Help me to further Your Kingdom. 

Sunday, June 2, 2013


I can finally say that after at least 15 weeks of planning and training, I completed my first half marathon yesterday! Phew! 13.1 miles under my belt, in 1:52:03.  I can't believe it's over. I mean, I can and I can't. The weeks grew long as yesterday came closer, and June 1st loomed over my head like a rain cloud. At the same time though, it seems like I blinked and all the hype and build-up is just...boop! Gone. I'm so happy, but so sad, too. It was a great experience, and yes, I'm planning on running another one at some point :) Hopefully next summer! Will I ever run a full marathon? Uhh...that's a great question...

This is Chelsey! She and I grew up together, and she's been like an older sister. Her parents, Tim and Janet have been friends with my mom and dad for a long time. Brett, Nick, Chelsey, her brother Chase, and I used to spend quite a bit of time together between golf, church and school. Chels ran with her husband Matt, Mr. Miller, and I think Chase. They ran the 10k...Oh, and she just recently had a baby. Isn't that great?! Congrats to them! 

The finish line was inside Notre Dame's football stadium, which was so cool! I've never seen downtown South Bend so lively and filled with people. It's fun to think about how an event can bring thousands of people together. Even the people who lived in the houses on our running route were sitting outside, drinking their coffee (and yes, I was jealous of them), and cheering on the runners. I loved it all!

Someday I hope to run in the Indy Mini with Brett and Nick. It's just kinda bad timing, with finals week and all. Hopefully it will fall on a different weekend next year! We'll see :)