Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Worth the Wait

If you had a glimpse of what my life has been like for the past several months, you would understand why I haven't' written in such a long time. My life has never changed so much in such a short time period like it has in 2017. And yet, in the past 6 months, I really feel like there has been a LOT of waiting that has taken place. Out of that waiting came good and bad things...the good being how the Lord has worked everything out, and the bad things being the attitudes that were revealed in my heart. I'll try to catch you up on what's been going on in a concise way so that you aren't sitting at your computer or on your phone reading all morning. :)

I knew that I was going to marry Jonathan around Thanksgiving this past year. I have NEVER been so confident about anything or anyone in my whole life (aside from the person of Jesus Christ, of course). Jonathan is the most precious gift that the Lord has graciously brought into my life. Our relationship has been so FUN and FULL. You know how people use the picture of two people running side-by-side in our race here on earth? Whenever I think about that, I picture Jonathan always being slightly in front of me or running a little faster than I am--encouraging me to keep pushing and leading the way for me. Jonathan makes me want to run faster and more faithfully. He motivates me and brings out the best in me. While our relationship has been amazingly wonderful, it's not perfect, and no relationship ever will be. But in those moments where things are hard, there is miscommunication, or one of us responds in a way that we shouldn't, there is always resolution and grace. I simply can't get over Jonathan--his heart for Jesus Christ and the gospel, his love for others, his steadiness and authenticity, his teachable spirit, how he makes me laugh (even if he's telling lame jokes), his gentleness and understanding towards me, his love for discipleship, his desire to honor the Lord and be a faithful servant, his leadership....and come on, THOSE EYES. ;)

I've had lots of people ask, "So was it worth the wait?" I don't think I could say, "Yes!" any quicker. Jonathan is worth every failed attempt, every heartbreak, and every tear cried in the midst of the waiting. Not only is he worth it, but he's more than I EVER thought my husband would be. I have been praying for and writing letters to my future husband ever since I was 16 years old. Now I know, without a doubt, that Jonathan is who the Lord knew I would end up with before I was even born. The Lord has worked so clearly in both of our hearts, even before we knew each other and started dating. Sometimes I actually think my heart is going to explode with how much love for Jonathan is in it...but I'm glad that it isn't possible for that to happen. ;) Jonathan proposed to me on April 4th while we were down in North Carolina with my family. It was so personal and special, even though I was wearing sweatpants and had no makeup on!

So was the wait for my husband worth it? YES.

The Lord always knows best. His plan is PERFECT and so much better than anything we can think of ourselves. He's not playing games with us. Jesus Christ is our good and perfect Shepherd. He cares. He's present. He's active. Waiting for His plan instead of ours is ALWAYS worth it. Is it easy and comfortable? Oh goodness, no. But if everything were easy, we wouldn't grow and be stretched like He wants us to be. The more we are refined, but more we become like Jesus Christ. That's the goal! What greater privilege is there than to become more like Jesus?

By the time January rolled around, the idea of moving down to Lafayette started to become a reality and goal. Jonathan has 2 more years of his seminary program and internship. But wait. Moving means leaving home, my family, friends, church family, co-workers and students at Orchard View, and everything I've known my whole life. And while the thought of moving on from all these things saddened my heart, the thought of being Jonathan's wife excites me more than anything else. So Jonathan and our parents started praying. I started praying very specifically--more specifically than I have ever in my entire life. Jonathan was so encouraging in this and made the process of trusting the Lord and approaching Him so much easier. Here's what I started praying for:

1. That the Lord would make it clear if this was His plan
2. That I would get a teaching job in Lafayette
3. That I would teach at a public school
4. That I would get to teach kindergarten or first grade
5. That I would have a job BEFORE the end of the school year
6. That I would find a place to live
7. And that the Lord would work out all these details for Jonathan and I that were so unclear and unanswered.

Long story short, I had one interview in April and one in May. I interviewed at Klondike Elementary in West Lafayette on May 2nd, and was offered the job on May 9th. I will be teaching kindergarten at one of the biggest elementary schools in the state! I have heard nothing but GREAT things about it, and my kindergarten team has been SO welcoming, helpful and kind! I'm so excited to teach there, but my heart is also sad because I loved OVE. It was the perfect place for me to start my teaching career. There was a LOT riding on finding a job. I couldn't really move to Lafayette until I had one, and having a job was a huge step in the right direction in my relationship with Jonathan. There were a LOT of days that I didn't see how things were going to work out. I admittedly was very anxious and worried about the whole situation, which was very wrong of me. How could I doubt God? He's ALWAYS provided for me, even if it's not what I expected. He was so faithful even in the midst of my worry.
Was the wait to find a job worth it? Yes. 

The next big decision was the timing of moving and how this was all going to work. When was I leaving? Where would I live? How is this going to work? Can I afford to move before I start teaching? Questions. What ifs. I'm a PRO at those...and that really isn't a good thing. Well, after Jonathan and I got engaged, his overseeing pastor and his wife, Brent and Janet Aucoin, offered to let me live with them until I found somewhere to live or until Jonathan and I got married. It was a HUGE blessing to my heart. Not only did they offer me a place to stay, but I LOVE their family and was so excited to get to spend more time with them. We looked at a lot of places. Some days I went to sleep discouraged about the details and wondering if we would ever find the right was a longer process than I would have liked, but the Lord had things for Jonathan and I to learn in the midst of that. Another long story short, our plans changed, and I'll be moving into an apartment in July--that's right, I'm moving in 2 weeks!! Jonathan and I prayed that the Lord would provide a place in HIS timing that will be just right for us after we get married. I prayed that the Lord would lead us to a place that Jonathan and I would look forward to coming home to after a long day of ministry and school, a place that I would be safe living in by myself until Jonathan and I get married, and a great place for a great price. Once again, the Lord so GRACIOUSLY has provided that for us. We were both so confident, at peace, and on the same page with where we will be. 

Was the wait to find a place to live worth it? Yes.

So as I sit here, typing up these words, all I can do is be in awe of the Lord's goodness and kindness to me. I do NOT deserve any of the things God has placed in my life. I am the worst of sinners and so often feel the weight of my depraved heart apart from Christ. Salvation alone would have been enough. But not only did Jesus Christ save me from my sin and death that I deserve, He pursues a personal relationship with me. The God of the universe, who holds everything together, who created everything, who is all-knowing, all-powerful and always present wants my heart. He knew me before time, knit me together in my mom's womb, knows how many hairs are on my head, and knows every tear I've cried. He knows my strengths and weaknesses, and every flaw, yet loves me anyways. He knows the best and worst about me and still calls me His beloved daughter. He wants your heart, too, you know. He knows you better than you know yourself. He wants you to have a FULL life that is FREE and ABUNDANT (John 8:32). If you don't know Jesus, just know that He's MORE than WORTH it. In Him we have purpose, life, joy, peace, and love. 

Following Him isn't always easy or comfortable, but is following Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd worth it? YES. 

So what's next? 

1. I'm moving to Lafayette in the middle of July, after Nick and Lauren's baby comes, hopefully! Emerson Grace is due July 11th! 
2. School starts on August 16th, and my journey at Klondike will begin!
3. Jonathan and I are getting married at FBC on December 9th, 2017. Wedding plans are coming along just fine. :) All the big decisions are made, I have a dress, and now the little details are what we're working on. 

How can you be praying?

1. For Jonathan as he is in Albania with the youth group at Faith Church (where he's interning) for the next 14 days. Pray for his safety and that the Lord would use their group to further Christ's Kingdom!
2. That I would use the next 2 weeks wisely and find the time to spend time with people here before I leave. I need to pack, clean, and get things ready, but I also want to cherish my days in Elkhart before I go.
3. That the Lord would continue to prepare Jonathan and I for marriage and that we would keep Him at the center of our relationship as things will start to pick up starting in August. I will be busy with teaching at a new place, and he'll be busy with his schoolwork. It's easy for the 2 of us to get bogged down with everything on our plates, but we know that the Lord will enable us and strengthen us to get all the things done that we need to! 

I hope this not only tells you about what's been going on in my life, but that it reflects and boasts of who God is. None of this is about me. It's all FOR and ABOUT Him. I am simply humbled by the fact that He wants me to be apart of His story...and now I'll get to do that with Jonathan. ;) What an honor!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Hope and Faithfulness -- Part 2.

Yes, yes--I know that it has been FOREVER since I have posted anything on my blog. In my defense, though, a lot has happened and a lot has changed in my life! So I've been a little busy, as you can imagine. I'll give you a little synopsis of the past several months before I jump into what the Lord has been teaching me.

First of all, my last post was in July before the hectic "back-to-school" season of my life started. At the beginning of August I moved out of my mom and dad's house and into my first apartment! I was so excited. A lady at my church mentioned that another kindergarten teacher in my SAME district was looking for a roommate. I was amazed at how perfectly the Lord brought this opportunity into my life! I love having a place to call my own (well, partially!), that I can take care of and retreat to after a day of school and other things. Plus, I have gained another godly friend in my roommate--which is always a lovely bonus!

Next, my second year of teaching kindergarten started. By God's goodness and grace I felt much more relaxed and confident going into this year. I have a WONDERFUL class that came along with wonderful families! It has been so fun. Of course, some days are harder than others, and my kiddos aren't perfect, but I love them so much. They teach me new things all the time and make me laugh. They are so eager to learn and are making a lot of progress. January is such a fun phase of the school year because you can see a big difference in them. It makes me happy and sad all at the same time! This school year is going so quickly--it's crazy!

Thirdly (and perhaps my most favorite part of this whole blog post), I started dating my boyfriend, Jonathan. I'll try to answer as many questions that you may have in a concise way! Jonathan went to Clarks Summit University (formerly known as BBC) in Clarks Summit, PA. He's also from PA, about 3 hours away from CSU, and that's where his family lives. My best friend, Emily, and some of my other good friends, also went to college there, and that's how I found out who Jonathan was. So we have known OF each other for a while. We became friends on Facebook and started following each other on Instagram (social media....I know....but hey, it works out sometimes, right?? ;)) about a year-ish ago. Back in the spring, Jonathan posted about moving to Lafayette, IN to start a 3-year internship and seminary program. When I found this out, I couldn't help but feel interested in this boy. "I wouldn't hate it if somehow we ended up meeting each other..." I thought to myself. Long story short, that's what ended up happening. We started talking on Facebook (okay, I messaged him first...which, if you know me, is not something I would usually do!) and about a week and half later, he asked me to meet halfway between us to get coffee. We've talked every day ever since then. So now you know a little bit about the handsome boy that has been showing up in many of my pictures. Jonathan is one of the most godly men I have ever met. His desire to please the Lord is so evident and it challenges me all the time! Seriously, he's my favorite. On top of how wonderful he is, his family is so great, too. I got to go out to their house for a combination of Thanksgiving and Christmas, and I had a BLAST. Jonathan makes having a boyfriend, and pretty much just life in general, so much fun. The Lord has blessed me beyond measure with that boy!

The last time I wrote, the title of my post was Hope and Faithfulness. As I sat and tried to think of a title for this post, I really couldn't think of anything better than that! Ever since this school year started, I have been overwhelmed with the Lord's faithfulness in my life. I think this is mostly due to the Bible study I started doing this year. I joined BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) back in September. For those who aren't familiar with's an international organization. The study goes through one book of the Bible from September to May. It is STRAIGHT UP Scripture, which has been so good for me! Up to this point, I had been doing a lot of book studies that were topical (these are NOT bad things--I just started to ask myself if I was relying too much on others' experiences and opinion instead of Scripture). My soul just started to hunger for His Word. I can honestly tell you that it's one of the best decisions I have ever made! I LOVE it. I look forward to meeting with my group on Monday evenings and then getting a new set of questions & notes to pour into over the next week. This year, we are going through the book of John. I have learned so much about God, Jesus, and His Spirit like I never have before. Learning about Jesus in this way has deepened my love for Him and my knowledge of His character. It has convicted my heart in new ways and I am constantly being challenged by it. More times than ever before, I finish my time with the Lord with such a FULL heart. I am experiencing a DEEP love and appreciation for the Word of God. It is SUCH a gift!

How often, though, do we neglect it? How often do we go to our own solutions and advice of others rather than the PERFECT and INERRANT words of our Creator? Is it a priority? Is it a joy to read and study? Or is it read just to make you feel better and get someone off your case? Oh, how precious is His Word. It is so valuable and relevant. I remember over Christmas break, I was sitting with Jonathan and talking to him about all this. Haha, I was going on and ON about how amazing it is that God gave us His very words and that it NEVER gets old and that we can read it EVERY DAY and always learn something. But isn't that amazing!? I hope I never get over it. I am so thankful for the guidance, comfort, knowledge, and truth that I receive through the Bible. Is it always easy and convenient to spend a good chunk of time in His Word? No. Is it always worth it? Yes. Absolutely yes.

As I sit and think more about the word "faithful," the more I want to kind of make it my word for 2017 (this was an idea given to me by my lovely roommate). Not only does this word remind me of one of my favorite characteristics of my Savior, but it also challenges me to be faithful in the things I am and am involved in. Most importantly, I want to be a faithful follower of Christ that pursues Him with all that I am. I want to be faithful in prayer and digging into His truth. I want to serve Him and those that He has put in my life, and I long to be more like Jesus at the end of this year. I want to be a faithful daughter/sister/aunt-- extending grace and patience to every member of my family, being a prayer warrior on their behalf. I want to be a faithful girlfriend to Jonathan--encouraging him in his studies and all the ministries he's involved in. I want to be a listening ear when he needs it and to be selfless as I continue to learn how to be a godly girlfriend. I want to be a faithful teacher who is committed to her students--showing them compassion, and teaching with my WHOLE heart. I want to be faithful friend who is intentional about spending time with the women the Lord has graciously given me. I want to put down my phone and be all there, listening to their words and understanding their hearts. I want to be a faithful small group leader--leading my girls in a way that is pleasing to God and in a way that makes them feel loved and valued. I also desire to be faithful in the small things, too-- being a good steward of my time, working out and taking care of the body the Lord has given me, keeping up with cleaning at my apartment and also staying organized!

I love the fresh start of a new year. I am excited to experience everything that's going to be going on in 2017. I will turn 24 years old in March. I will finish my second school year. I will be welcoming a new niece/nephew into the world in July, thanks to Nick and Lauren ;). Who knows what else will happen? I am confident, because I KNOW who knows what will happen. Because of this, I can rest in the fact that my God holds this new year, and that He will be faithful no matter what it looks like and no matter what happens. My God has never given me a reason to doubt Him. His ways are perfect, and so is His timing. For all these things, I am thankful...I can't wait to experience His faithfulness all the more.